Hello, I'm Saif 🙂
I'm a self-taught Mid-Level Full-Stack Developer from Iraq. I specialize in building APIs and Web Apps with a strong focus on responsiveness, accessibility, and clean coding. I am passionate about creating user-friendly experiences, leveraging modern technologies, and continuously expanding my skills.
Professional Experience
QiCard (2023/08/01 - Current) / Backend Developer
Etar Platform (2023/06/01 - Current) / Backend Developer
Full Stack Developer (2018 - Current) / Self Employed
I first started coding sometime in 2017 after taking an HTML/PHP course on Youtube by Elzero Web School in my 16th year. The very first thing I built was a simple task management application, allowing users to create and organize their daily to-do lists. This project ignited my passion for programming, and from then on, I was hooked.
However, from late 2018 until the conclusion of 2019, my focus shifted as I devoted my time to my studies. Although I temporarily paused my coding journey, my determination never wavered. In the beginning of 2020, I eagerly returned to the world of programming, thirsting for knowledge and eager to expand my skill set.
During this revitalized phase, I embarked on an exploration of diverse languages, tools, and technologies. I immersed myself in the intricacies of C# WinForms Application development, refining my ability to create user-friendly desktop applications. Additionally, I delved into Python scripting, harnessing its versatility and automation capabilities to simplify complex tasks.
Alongside that, I explored Laravel for API projects. I mastered databases like MySQL proficiently managing and manipulating data.
Currently focused on continuous learning and skill upgrading in web development, I actively seek opportunities to deepen my knowledge and contribute to the field.
Thanks for reading 😊
Libraries & Frameworks
Tools & Systems